After wheeling
Kane Creek earlier in the day with the group, my 5 person posse' jammed into my KK decided they wanted to go check out (the top of)
Gemini Bridges. While within cell range of Moab, I did a quick little research on my phone to determine the wheelin' was easy (in order to mitigate any concerns traveling as just 1 vehicle -- and with kids).
The wheelin' is really nothing more than forest service type road that is only slightly rough in a few areas.
The first view of the side x side / twin Gemini Bridges:

The canyon below us looked like it could be from one of those old Western's:

We had fun letting the kids climb around on and explore the large rocks in the area (always with an adult nearby and after reminding them about where
not to put their feet, legs, hands or arms

No caption necessary:

We then went to the trailhead that leads you to the top of the two bridges:

My niece got a big thrill out of being able to walk across the two stone bridges (of course with her dad having a death-grip on her hand the entire time):

Not to be out-done by his sister, my nephew wanted the experience too:

All of us wanted to get down below and see the bridges from below, but after consulting the map, it became obvious we didn't have enough daylight left in the day:

Anyone looking for a quick trip next time you're wheeling in Moab, I would certainly recommend checking out Gemini Bridges. Well worth the couple hours.
2009 KK Limited 4x4Jeep Green/partially dechromed/Sunroof/OEM Skids/
Gray Leather/uConnect GPS-Nav/DVD Head Rests/
MtnLuvr's Off-Road Front Winch Bumper, Heavy Duty Rock Sliders, Heavy Duty Off-Road Rear Bumper/JBA 4" AaS Lift w/UCAs/16x8's w/ 245/75R16 GY MT/Rs