
May 9th Tree Planting in San Berdoo forest
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Author:  JJsTJ [ Tue Apr 07, 2009 4:38 pm ]
Post subject:  May 9th Tree Planting in San Berdoo forest

How about we get a crew together from LOST JEEPS and go put some much needed trees in the ground?!

Some of our awesome members, Kelly & Annette did so this past Sunday. Just think, in several more years we can enjoy the shade from their trees!

Meeting Time: 0845
Meeting Place: Rim of the World High School in Arrowhead
Event Duration: 9am to 1pm
Vehicle Limit: none
Trail Leader: Forest Aid Supervisors

Sign Up to be a Forest Aid Volunteer!

Help plant seedlings in areas burned by the "Old Fire" of 2003.

Volunteers will meet at the Rim of the World school in Arrowhead and be transported by shuttle to the planting site(s).

Tools will be provided.
Gloves & hard hats will be provided.
Trees will be provided.
Training will be given.

Please bring:
Water source. (Camelback, water bottle, etc.)
Hard soled shoes.

Typical planting days consist of:

0845 - Sign in & receive name tag. Volunteers must sign in for insurance purposes.
- Once a group of ten is signed in, transport to the planting site will occur. Please use the restroom before departing the meeting area.
0915 - Draw tools, seedlings & move to designated planting area for demonstration and explanation of tree planting process, the days goals, tool safety.
0930 - Begin reforestation (planting of seedlings).
- Breaks will be given of course. Refill of water source will be available.
1245 - Begin clean up for the day. Turn in your tools, gloves, hard hats, unplanted seedlings, etc. Get accountability of volunteers and load up the shuttles back to the meeting site.
1300 - Wrap-up the days event.

PLEASE post here if you can go so we can get our info to the folks that need to know we are coming.
FWIW, OUr club also gets volunteer hours for the effort. Sure beats a day in front of the TV.

Author:  yazhi [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Are you kidding?! Of course I'll be there.
Kelly and I were in a group of about 17 of us and we planted 700 lil trees over a 3 acre area. At the end of the day you're tired and dirty but when you look around at all the devestation done by the fires and then you look at all those lil guys that you just planted.....you really get a feeling of accomplishment and just knowing that you yourself are making a difference is just totally amazing.

Author:  jeepinkelly [ Wed Apr 08, 2009 1:21 pm ]
Post subject: 

I am in plus 2 kids

Author:  yazhi [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 12:46 pm ]
Post subject: 


Author:  loganbrumm [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

That was my High School you're meeting at! Too bad I live in Arizona now :( :( :(

I think this is great everyone. You're an awesome group.

Author:  JJsTJ [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

loganbrumm wrote:
That was my High School you're meeting at! Too bad I live in Arizona now :( :( :(

I think this is great everyone. You're an awesome group.

Come on out and help, not that far of a drive! :D

Author:  loganbrumm [ Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:33 pm ]
Post subject: 

JJsKJ wrote:
loganbrumm wrote:
That was my High School you're meeting at! Too bad I live in Arizona now :( :( :(

I think this is great everyone. You're an awesome group.

Come on out and help, not that far of a drive! :D

I Will actually be on the mountain that morning because it is the day I move all the rest of my stuff from my parents house, but will be leaving at 9am. If I can I'll stop by.


Author:  JJsTJ [ Tue May 05, 2009 10:50 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Folks! We have a really cool spot picked out for the BBQ/Birthday party for Saturday. We will be at North Camp up above Lake Arrowhead in the trees w/ a great view of the lake.

I will be bringing charcoal and lighter fluid and some sort of meat to cook. Please bring your favorite side dish or meat to add to the table. Please also bring drinks for your group and any utensils that you might need. I will have some plates and napkins too.

Should be a fun productive day. I am looking forward to it.

PLMK if you have any questions or comments.

ALSO, if you can't make the tree planting in the morning but can come up in the afternoon, PLMK and we will get you directions to the BBQ. Please let me know you will be there though.

Author:  Burchie [ Tue May 05, 2009 11:46 am ]
Post subject: 

JJsKJ wrote:
the BBQ/Birthday party for Saturday.

i've read this thread 10 times, and still don't understand the B-day party thing.

Author:  JJsTJ [ Tue May 05, 2009 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

Burchie wrote:
JJsKJ wrote:
the BBQ/Birthday party for Saturday.

i've read this thread 10 times, and still don't understand the B-day party thing.

LostXJ (Justin) is having his birthday That day and since he decided to come help plant trees on his day, I figured it was a good excuse to have a get together afterward to celebrate.....and just a good excuse to picnic in a cool area too.

Author:  E2 [ Wed May 06, 2009 2:55 am ]
Post subject: 

Sorry won't be able to make it. I planned up making it that weekend up to arrowhead, but after my last off-road trip weekend I need to see the chiropractor very bad as I can move easily.

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