CaptainDean wrote:
I'm back everyone! I'm told a software glitch was preventing me from posting. Thanks for the fix !!!
Attempted to purchase a new ABS sensor cable for the right front wheel. It has a square body to the sensor but the new part arrived with a round body. Anybody have experience in finding the correct square body sensor? Do I need to change my front knuckle to accept a rouind body sensor?

Both types of front ABS sensors. Square body for right wheel. (Round body is new part)

Front suspension with red arrow at knuckle

ABS sensor cables
Attempted to install the new ABS cable to the passenger side front wheel. The cable is the wrong part !!

I actually need the cable with the round end on it after all.
I don't understand how this happened. Last year I needed a CAT scan of my head and it proves there is a brain inside my head.

Thanks for the help WWDiesel for finding what I thought was the right part. Sorry I wasted your time and effort. I'll search Amazon and find the right part this time. I'm simply flabergasted.