I've been busy trying to find the CRD Liberty that fits my needs up here in the states but one of the things that's just crossed my mind is about when I would take it south of the border. I used to live in Belize and would travel through Mexico to get there if I didn't fly. Basic question being, would I be better off sticking with my 98 Chevy Suburban gas hog, which has mechanics and parts available pretty much wherever I would travel down there, or would I be alright taking a CRD Liberty with my fairly decent mechanical knowledge and a few key spare parts.
In Belize, it was hard to find a decent mechanic who knew what he was doing when we had an older Chevy 6.2L 'dirty diesel' truck down there. I was young then and have since grown my tools and time working on things to the point that unless I need a dealership's big diagnostic machine to diagnose a specific problem or 'sync up' new parts with the computer (been working on a real pisser of a car lately- '07 BMW 328i') I can pretty much handle about anything that's thrown at me.
So, first question, were the CRDs available in the Central or South American markets. Secondly, what will I find as far as mechanics who have an idea if said CRD has an issue I either can't diagnose or don't have the specialized tools to fix.
Thanks in advance for your help guys! Look forward to driving whatever I choose to be the wiser choice down yonder soon