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 Post subject: Was the CRD Liberty available in Central or South America?
PostPosted: Mon Sep 16, 2013 11:19 am 
LOST Newbie

Joined: Wed Jul 31, 2013 1:28 pm
Posts: 1
I've been busy trying to find the CRD Liberty that fits my needs up here in the states but one of the things that's just crossed my mind is about when I would take it south of the border. I used to live in Belize and would travel through Mexico to get there if I didn't fly. Basic question being, would I be better off sticking with my 98 Chevy Suburban gas hog, which has mechanics and parts available pretty much wherever I would travel down there, or would I be alright taking a CRD Liberty with my fairly decent mechanical knowledge and a few key spare parts.

In Belize, it was hard to find a decent mechanic who knew what he was doing when we had an older Chevy 6.2L 'dirty diesel' truck down there. I was young then and have since grown my tools and time working on things to the point that unless I need a dealership's big diagnostic machine to diagnose a specific problem or 'sync up' new parts with the computer (been working on a real pisser of a car lately- '07 BMW 328i') I can pretty much handle about anything that's thrown at me.

So, first question, were the CRDs available in the Central or South American markets. Secondly, what will I find as far as mechanics who have an idea if said CRD has an issue I either can't diagnose or don't have the specialized tools to fix.

Thanks in advance for your help guys! Look forward to driving whatever I choose to be the wiser choice down yonder soon :SOMBRERO:

 Post subject: Re: Was the CRD Liberty available in Central or South Americ
PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2016 8:46 pm 
LOST Member

Joined: Sat Apr 11, 2015 12:31 pm
Posts: 450
Location: North America
While this thread's from '13, nonetheless it cant hurt to supplement Southern data.

I can say with personal knowledge that the Liberty CRD's were never sold in Mexico. While getting quotes for parts at Chrysler Ensenada, the parts jeffe explained that because the CRD was never available NEW in Mexico there were extra import fees for parts and that I'd be better off buying them in San Diego.

Yes, his info could be wrong, but no Mexicano gearheads I've spoken with have ever seen one.

'15: bought '05 w/138k.
'16: HG/Rockers/ARPs/Thermo/H20pump/TbeltKit/ Seals/ Mounts/Kennedy fuel pump.
'17: bought manual Gas donor for its' ARB F/R Airlockers, OME 2.5" lift (gas-rated), JBA UCAs, ARB bumper.
'19: Trans w/Suncoast/Transgo/HDdiscs, new OME CRD-rated lift, electric tri-fan setup, BlackMagics/Centric Premiums, Airbags.

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