FYI, Your picture links are NOT working!
See this on how to post pictures on your posts:
How to Post & Share Pictures on LOSTJeeps ForumYou can post & share pictures and images on, you first have to join and use a picture sharing/hosting service like PostImage or one of the many *others listed below.
Postimages — free image hosting / image uploadProvides free image upload and hosting integration for forums. Free picture hosting and photo sharing for websites and blogs.
One very important thing to remember when using image tags: the image you display
must already be available on the internet
(it cannot exist only on your computer or mobile device for example, unless you have it shared on a webserver!).After joining PostImage or one of the *other picture hosting services and uploading your pictures to the site that you want to share:
Instructions to post a picture:Click on the "IMG" button on the top of your post. You will get this: [img]-[/img]
Then paste the URL link for your picture in between the BBC code tags:
[img]picture address goes here[/img]
Should look something like this: [url>=https://web address "link" of shared picture<[/img][/url]
*Some of the most popular image hosting *sites/services where you can upload and store images so you can share the images/photos on a forum:
*There are more available, but these are some of the more well-known ones.Moderator
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