
The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall
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Author:  Cameraflage [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:28 pm ]
Post subject:  The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Greetings again, fellow Liberteers, it's time again for Episode IV of the Great Colorado Expedition of 2012. Today we join in on the 25th Annual Ouray Jeep Jamboree as we tackle Poughkeepsie Gulch, the most difficult trail offered on the Jamboree.

Following our solo excursion on Black Bear Pass, all JJ participants had to have their vehicles evaluated by the JJ trail leaders. They checked to see who had lifts and skid plates, first aid kits and tire sizes. They also asked what trails we were interested in running, and whether or not the vehicle could handle it. There were Jeeps of all sizes and colors, including a new Grand Cherokee and one Patriot.

Waldo Kadiddlehopper, er, I mean Ouray Jeep Jamboree Coordinator Chris Timmes gives us the morning briefing before we head out on the trails.

The group headed off to Poughkeepsie Gulch assembled on the street in front of the Ouray Community Center, which is where the JJ was headquartered for the event. Note the lone Liberty. Half of the Jeeps in our group were Rubicons.

The first part of the trail is the beginning of the Alpine Loop road up towards Engineer Pass...it was nice to see this in sunshine.

Stopping along the way near some mine ruins.


Approaching the turnoff for Poughkeepsie Gulch.

We had gone up Poughkeepsie last year on the Jamboree, but it was raining and snowing then...not the case today. Poughkeepsie is a wonderful, scenic trail.

It's also a little rockier than other trails in the area.



We were given the option of three routes around a set of rocks...this Wrangler opted for the most difficult...

...and even with a bit of trail terraforming, didn't make it. All of us opted for the medium difficulty option.


On the way up.


Our first actual obstacle, a fairly large rock in the middle of the trail. Last year we had to work our way around this as it was too wet to get over.

Our trail leader, Mark Chriss, gives Linda instructions as the Libby flexes.

"OTHER left!"

Up and over without a problem.


Our next obstacle was a bit more formidable...The Wall. We had lunch at the base before attempting to climb it.

Linda lines up for her attempt. Trail leader Mark provides direction.

Linda's first attempt didn't make it, so Mark had her back down a bit and take a slightly different line.

This line was much better.


Linda takes the Libby over the top.

Video of Linda taking the Libby over the wall. I told her that as a reward for driving so well, she could buy a new spinning wheel.

(In case the above link doesnt work, try this direct link to Youtube...

This gives you some idea of what the angle is like. Everybody in our group made it over...some taking more than the alloted three tries. The most interesting was the wife of one of the trail leaders, driving her husband's Rubicon for the first time (and wearing flip-flops), who took several attempts before successfully bouncing up the Wall, sometimes with two tires in the air. Last year, only one vehicle made it up under their own power...everyone else had to be strapped up.

The journey continued as we headed up towards Lake Como.

Approaching Lake Como. Our path would take us up to that shelf road running across the mountain in the background.


Passing Lake Como.

The view back down Poughkeepsie Gulch from California Pass.

Headed towards Corkscrew Pass from Hurricane Pass.


Descending from Corkscrew Pass. On our first Jamboree in 2009, we came down this trail in a hailstorm.


Coming back down below the tree line on our way back to Ouray.

Stay tuned for the next adventure as we make a leisurely climb into Yankee Boy Basin and Governor Basin on Day Two of the Ouray Jeep Jamboree.

Author:  tommudd [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Another great day on the trails for you two
Linda does a great job driving ! Video link works great.

So do you still get some that give you the "what are you doing here with that look?" :lol:

Author:  kskj [ Wed Oct 03, 2012 11:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Nice job on the wall! When I tried it in 2009 I called for the winch. :oops:

I think only two libertys made it that year. Even Ted winched up and he was locked.

Author:  Cameraflage [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

tommudd wrote:
Another great day on the trails for you two
Linda does a great job driving ! Video link works great.

So do you still get some that give you the "what are you doing here with that look?" :lol:

Oh, absolutely...a chick driving a Liberty? She simply smiles, steps on the gas and shows them how it's done. She's a great driver, and we make an even better team. Two brains are better than one.

yellocoyote wrote:
I had to be strapped up The Wall when we were out there. There weren't too many KJ's that made it up in our trip in '09... 2 or 3 if I remember correctly. Seems you had to be locked and/or have 32" tires.

Fantastic commentary, as always! :D

kskj wrote:
Nice job on the wall! When I tried it in 2009 I called for the winch. :oops:

I think only two libertys made it that year. Even Ted winched up and he was locked.

Thanks! We're unlocked with 31"s. We were prepared to be strapped if necessary. We're not proud, just a little nuts.

Author:  Cameraflage [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Yet more video of the Wall...shot from the Contour camera mounted on the hood of the Libby.


Author:  STINGN [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

anyone else watch the video and see that guy almost eat it lol

Author:  Grannysgoat [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Love these pictures. So, tell us about the "custom" pin striping on the left side that starts just behind the door?? We have something like that, a little lower on the left front door.

Author:  Cameraflage [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Grannysgoat wrote:
Love these pictures. So, tell us about the "custom" pin striping on the left side that starts just behind the door?? We have something like that, a little lower on the left front door.

Those are character lines. We got those at our local offroad park (Southington Offroad Park, a former 1500 acre sandstone quarry in NE Ohio)...come to think of it, most, if not all of our damage has come from there (dents, scrapes, blown steering, grenaded front diff, etc). There's a trail called Angry Beaver (runs near a drained beaver pond) that consists of several short, steep hills...one comes down near the old foundation of some of the quarry buildings that were removed. You tend to try to avoid the large concrete foundation, which puts you in line to be scraped along the side by a large, hard to see right-angle tree branch. The amusing thing is that a fellow Liberteer has the exact same scrape, starting and ending at the same spot.


Author:  Grannysgoat [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

I'll bet that is a fun track when it's wet!

http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-s ... 3552_n.jpg[img]

My "pinstripe" is not as cool looking as yours..more like a dent I guess.

Author:  Cameraflage [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 3:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

Grannysgoat wrote:
I'll bet that is a fun track when it's wet!

We wouldn't know...we've never made it up unless it's dry. That's how we got a few of our other dents, as we backed off the first hill and this darned dead tree jumped out behind us...came down right on the roof.

Author:  JeepNCrowd [ Thu Oct 04, 2012 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: The Great Colorado Expedition of 2012, Pt4...The Wall

I know now another trail I must do when I go back! She made it look easy. Good Job!

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