I could not get registered on this site until Heather stepped in and helped me. I tried 4 different email accounts (gmail, yahoo, work) & usernames, but nothing worked. I would register, then get the email with the link to activate & login. But when I would try the link, I would get a page with is error:
You do not have the necessary permissions to complete this operation.
When I would proceed to try and login, I got this:
The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your account, please contact a board administrator.
And of course you can't contact an administrator, if you are not logged in. Thankfully someone on Reddit took pity on me and gave out an email to try:
heather@boulderbars.comHeather worked her magic and now I have a working account. Thanks again, Heather!
Heather is on vacation for the next month and asked that you contact board moderator WWDiesel.