i'm sold on the ice, i have nerve problems in my hands/arms, i can't massage the old school stuff anymore like i used to
i agree, the tw ice doesn't seem to last long with a single coat
however i have noticed that about 4 coats of it, which comes out about as much work as a single old school coat, lasts through quite a bit of punishment
the spray detailer isn't bad for helping get off the last bits of residue or the dusty stuff from the buffing
just out of curiosity i sprayed the back of my lightbar with it and it really darkened the black plastic very nicely
when i did my LOST light covers, i put 6 coats of clear coat on them and after it dried i put about 10 coats of wax on it and have since pelted them with rocks, sand, mud, and a crap ton of bugs and all it takes to clean them off is a microfiber wash mitt and some soap, wax is still holding strong
now if i could only manage to get my entire jeep waxed, so far the front fenders, bumper and hood have gotten it but the doors and back gate haven't been touched yet